Choreography and Direction  Mauro Astolfi

Dancers Maria Cossu, Mario Laterza, Giuliana Mele, Giacomo Todeschi, Lorenzo Capozzi, Aurora Stretti, Pablo Girolami, Alice Colombo, Valentina Staltari

Lighting Design  Marco Policastro

Set Mauro Astolfi, Marco Policastro

Music AAVV

Costumes Anna Coluccia


A Spellbound production with the contribution of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture. Premiere July 25th, 2018 Roma Teatro Vascello, Festival Fuori Programma.

Credo ora sia tutto


The sight of a full moon showers the observer with a sense of completeness, a closed, perfect circle.

But it also can cause anxiety, light sleep, and strange instincts which are sometimes difficult to control. One might get the urge to go out, run somewhere, to feel something different coursing through one’s veins.

People stop feeling like themselves, and this sense of desire and transformation isn’t just enacted in the usual “animalistic” sense. Becoming a werewolf isn’t necessary; sitting and staring at the moon is enough to begin to ponder, to question ourselves.

The moon can ignite truly powerful transformations. It can raise or lower the tide of the sea, so it’s impossible to think that it wouldn’t have an effect on us as well.

Every time something in our lives is so powerfully charged with symbolism and meaning, all of a sudden, it seems as if it had none. But when examined closely, something happens within and we feel different. Waiting for the new cycle to take shape once again is truly worth it. It’s the only other “world” which we see distinctly in the sky. The full moon reminds us that every day might bring about some small change.

Certainly, change isn’t automatic, it isn’t something that happens out of inertia…abundant energy is necessary.



Associazione Culturale Spell Bound

fiscal address c/o PMC
Via dei Prati Fiscali 215, 00141 Roma – Italia


Offices and Studios c/o Daf Dance Arts Faculty

Via di Pietralata 159/a, 00158

Email: info@spellboundance.com


Tel: +39 392 4854911