DACING PARTNERS Italian tour is a great success


19th november 2015 Sabadell ( Barcelona) / Spain
20 e 21  novembre 2015 Barcelona / Spain 
22 e 23 gennaio 2016 Manchester (England)
26 gennaio Harnosand (Sweden)
27 gennaio Sundsval (Sweden)
5 and 6 April Roma, Teatro Vascello  (Italy)
8 April Rieti , Teatro Flavio Vespasiano (Italy)


Launched in 2013, Dancing Partners is a common project aimed at the promotion of contemporary dance by a team of highly qualified artists from many countries.

Conceived as an itinerant initiative, DP stops off in each country where after a temporary artistic residence takes place including performances, workshops, meetings, and public debates. Beyond the promotion of the involved artists, DP has the goal to root an artistic approach in areas involved in the dance education process.

Partners: Thomas Noone Dance (Spain), Norrdans (Sweden) and Company Chameleon ( England).

Thanks to the already existing connections with the artists of many members, Spellbound entered the project in 2014 and will take part to the project starting in Barcelona in November 2015 and stopping off in England and Sweden in January 2016 and in Italy in March 2016 and will pursue then the next three years.


One of the most important dimensions of DP is the exchange between artists beyond the interaction of the Italian dance community. The collaboration between different parties is united by the shared and common artistic thinking. The Italian branch of Dancing Partners will be launched in collaboration with Spellbound through initiatives of residence in the headquarters of the Company. In this way, dancers and students will approach the artistic language of the guests and will spread out initiatives among the territory.


Associazione Culturale Spell Bound

fiscal address c/o PMC
Via dei Prati Fiscali 215, 00141 Roma – Italia


Offices and Studios c/o Daf Dance Arts Faculty

Via di Pietralata 159/a, 00158

Email: info@spellboundance.com


Tel: +39 392 4854911