Mysterious Engine is the first of a new two-part creation exploring the human condition and the lack of freedom. Over time, our purpose as humans becomes impervious and frequently changes, and as a result of these changes, at a certain point, we lose contact with colours, sounds and words.
We need to use our bodies to recalibrate ourselves, with our own dismantled and disorganised movements, to recreate a navigable and clear way forward. We need to rekindle the conditions for an internal freedom and defend it from unfettered instincts, striving to remain in control of our own desires rather than having our lives shaped by them. The ability to make such a choice brings our search for freedom into the real world.
Mysterious Engine focuses its search on the factors which can widen our field of vision to take in everything surrounding us: skin, bones, a beating heart – it all morphs into something other than what it was anatomically and becomes an incredible driving force which works in an entirely different way. Another small step towards discovering freedom is losing one’s self in the mystery of how we work and never taking anything entirely for granted.
Choreography and direction Mauro Astolfi
Music AAVV
Performers: Fabio Cavallo, Giuliana Mele, Caterina Politi, Giacomo Todeschi