Spellbound tour in june

After an intensive spring tour Spellbound Contemporary Balle returns to national and international trajectories.


8th of June 
The Real you/A better Place/If you Were a man
Teatro del Bosque 
Madrid en Danza Festival


10th of June
L’Arte della Fuga

Gran Teatro Falla
Cádiz en Danza


15th and 16th of June
If you were a man

Festa della danza di Roma


19th of June
If you were a man

Giardino del Pomario del Castello dell’Acciaiolo, Scandicci
Nutida Festival


25th of June
If you were a man

Ex ceramiche vaccari, La Spezia
Fisiko Festival


29th of June

Chiostro di S. Agostino, Pietrasanta
Dap Festival


29th of June
If you were a man

Piazza del Duomo, Pietrasanta
Dap Festival

Associazione Culturale Spell Bound

fiscal address c/o PMC
Via dei Prati Fiscali 215, 00141 Roma – Italia


Offices and Studios c/o Daf Dance Arts Faculty

Via di Pietralata 159/a, 00158

Email: info@spellboundance.com


Tel: +39 392 4854911