Spellbound on tour in Russia

On 5 and 6 October Spellbound is guest of the Dance Inversion Festival at the Helikon Theatre, a prestigious kermesse dedicated to the international contemporary scene and organised by the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. The company presents a double programme: the recent “Marte” by the Spanish author Marcos Morau and “Vivaldiana” created by Mauro Astolfi to music by the famous composer Antonio Vivaldi.


Associazione Culturale Spell Bound

fiscal address c/o PMC
Via dei Prati Fiscali 215, 00141 Roma – Italia


Offices and Studios c/o Daf Dance Arts Faculty

Via di Pietralata 159/a, 00158

Email: info@spellboundance.com


Tel: +39 392 4854911