Spellbound on tour in Azerbaijian and Turkey
Spellbound in April flies for the first time over the Black Sea stopping in Baku in Azerbaijian and Ankara in Turkey. Both events are organized by the Italian Embassy in the respective countries, and are scheduled within the  National Festival in Baku and Festival Nazionale di Musica di Ankara produced by the  Sevda Cenap And Music Foundation
The Company  will present  a mixed programme, a collection of the most recent and successful creations as well as an extract from the well received  production “Rossini Ouvertures”, all works by Mauro Astolfi.

Associazione Culturale Spell Bound

fiscal address c/o PMC
Via dei Prati Fiscali 215, 00141 Roma – Italia


Offices and Studios c/o Daf Dance Arts Faculty

Via di Pietralata 159/a, 00158

Email: info@spellboundance.com


Tel: +39 392 4854911